

The University of Texas at EI Paso, EI Paso Public Schools and the Ysleta Public Schools will launch a joint two-year Teacher Corps project this summer.

Dr. Tom Arciniega. Associate professor in the Department of Educational Administration at U.T.-EI Paso, and director of the federal project. said that applications are now being accepted for the program, which is designed to recruit into the teaching profession, people who are highly motivated to work with low-income Spanish-speaking youngsters.

The recruiting program is aimed primarily at 'bachelor degree holders but only for non-educational majors. During their two-year internship, Teacher Corps members will work in two elementary schools in the E1 Paso Public Schools and two in the Ysleta Public Schools and attend classes at U. T .-El Paso. Uponsuccessful completion of the program. Candidates will receive a master's degree in elementary education.

Coordinating the program at each of the school districts is Bill Sybert at El Paso Public Schools and Mrs. Virginia Johnson at Ysleta Public Schools. The

four elementary schools involved are Houston and Burleson in EI Paso Public schools and Mesa Vista and Ysleta elementary schools in Ysleta district.

Interns will work in team-teaching situations at each school. "The idea composition .of the team we are looking for is one with holders of bachelor degrees .In various fields such as art, engineering, math, physics, music, etc.,�Dr.Arciniega said.

Candidates will be screened by a joint school-community advisory committeemade up of parents from the schools Involved, representatives from the community in general from each of the school districts and from the project staff at U.T. Elpaso.In addition they will be requested to appear before a selection board for a formal interview. Applications are available in Dr. Arciniega's office in the Education Building at U.T.-El Paso and in the office of the Assistant Dean of Students, Domingo Dominguez.

Deadline for the applications is May 24.

Interns will receive a $90 monthly stipend plus $15 for each dependent during the entire two years.

"The principal characteristics we are looking for in recruiting interns," Dr.Arciniega said, "are: Ability to relate well with Mexican-American students, highly motivated to assist and support the development of better educational programs for the disadvantaged, and general openness for the character, including ability to be flexible and work well in new situations.

The two-year program will consist of several phases. The initial one is a six-week teacher-training program this summer. Next will be an in-service training phase in which the interns will be part of a team teaching group in one of the schools.

Sybert said the Teacher Corps will have a real affect in El Paso Public schools in several ways.