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Cliff Whetten

Cliff is now getting old. Unlike when he had jet black hair during Teacher Corps days  he now has gray hair. He is just glad that he still has his hair! 

After leaving El Paso, Cliff and his wife Rosalyn moved with their young family to College Station, Texas, to pursue a Ph.D. Degree. 

Cliff is now a Professor of Educational Administration and Director of the Center for Community Education at Texas A&M University.

 Having received his introduction to the Community Education concept while as a Teacher Corps Intern, and receiving subsequent training at the Center for Community Education, Cliff has traveled the world introducing schools and communities to the concept of using the school as a human resource center for people of all ages. He is widely published and has translated many of his materials to Spanish.

 In recent years Cliff has been serving on the National Training Task Force for 21st Century Community Learning Centers, an after-school program funded by the U .S. Dept. of Education and the National Center for Community Education. 

One of Cliffs students, Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier, is now Dir. of the Office of English As A Second Language Programs and Minority Affairs, U.S. Dept. of Education. 

"The training I received while in the Teacher Corps Program has been of invaluable assistance to me as I work with schools and communities," states Cliff. "The experienced gained has opened many doors for me professionally. 1 will be forever grateful to the Teacher Corps Directors, professors, cooperating teachers, and fellow interns for all they did for me during those critical and formative years."

Cliff and Rosalyn now live in beautiful San Antonio, Texas, where he is off iced at Texas A&M's Engineering Extension Center. Their four children have all graduated from High School and left the nest. Two of his daughters live in Utah, one of his daughters lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, and their son (the youngest) is a missionary in Spain. They have three grandchildren and are having loving grandparenthood.

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