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Salvador  G .Valdez

I hail from a town called El Paso, which translates to The Pass.  This town is right by the Rio Grande and is flanked by two mountains. One mountain on the Mexico side has a huge sign that shouts in Spanish "Read the Bible" and the mountain on the U. S. A. side has a five-point star that lights up at night, and to me it seems to whisper come forth. Like wise, I try to write with those two icons in mind. My poetry is dedicated to painting with words the beauty of a sentiment, whether it is romantic or a tragic. I have been a publisher in the past of a newsworthy bilingual magazine called Nosotros. I am a Fine Arts Major and I paint portraits. As you can see, I am divided between expressing myself with artistic images and word images. But, all-in-all, I love to explore what beauty is hidden in the human mind.

Salvador Valdez is currently a Technology Applications and Art teacher at Guill�n Middle School.  He taught previously in the Ysleta Independent School District.  Mr. Valdez also enjoys conducting instructional methodology workshops for educators