Why Study Religion?


       Religion has always played a major part in human culture, from inspiring much of the world's art and literature to shaping the structure and values of societies and individuals. Religion continues to be a powerful unifying and dividing force in our world, and an understanding of its role in an increasingly diverse and shrinking global community is an important component of a liberal education.

OurReligious Studies Program offers an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and comparative study of the history and practice of religion. While committed to exploring Christianity and Judaism as the traditions that have shaped our western culture, our program also explores the great traditions of the East, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. In addition, because of the location of our university, we have a special interest in the pluralistic nature of border religion and culture.

As part of a public, non-sectarian university, our program has no connections with any theological seminary, church body, or particular religious tradition. Our Religious Studies minor involves a critical, academic study of religion from a variety of scholarly perspectives, philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological, and aesthetic. Students have the opportunity to think deeply about their own values and assumptions while learning to understanding and appreciate world views, cultures, and human behaviors that may be far different from their own. A Religious Studies minor can be an excellent match to many degrees as it develops analytical abilities, communication skills, and the intellectual flexibility derived from interdisciplinary scholarship.

Our University Library maintains a solid collection in the field of religious studies, and we are in the process of developing a multimedia resource center as well.

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