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  • Introduction
  • Degrees and Majors
  • Interdisciplinary Minors
  • Special Programs

    Departments :

  • Aerospace Studies
  • African American

  • Art
  • Chicano Studies
  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • English
  • History
  • Languages and
  • Latin American Studies
  • Military Science
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sociology and
  • Theater Arts
  • Western Cultural
  • Women's Studies

    Dr. Howard C. Daudistel, Dean

    Dr. Mimi R. Gladstein, Associate Dean

    Dr. Evelyn Posey, Associate Dean

    Liberal Arts Bldg., 343
    Phone: (915) 747-5666
    Fax: (915) 747-5905

  • Sociology and Anthropology
    Web site at:http://www.utep.edu/soci/

    1.- General Information
    2.- Sociology (SOCI) Courses
    3.- Anthropology (ANTH) Courses

    1.- General Information

    109 Old Main
    (915) 747-5740

    CHAIRPERSON: S. Fernando Rodríguez
    PROFESSOR: Daudistel, Stoddard
    ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR EMERITUS: David Bruener Eyde, Paul Wershub Goodman
    ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Campbell, Carmichael, Howard, Rodríguez
    ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Bergdahl, Guinn, Lucas, Peterson, Smithey, Watley-Beal

    Major in Sociology
    Specific requirements are 30 semester hours in Sociology, of which 24 must be at the advanced (3300-3400) level, including SOCI 3101, 3311, and 3401. Sociology majors are encouraged to satisfy the BA degree mathematics/statistics requirement by taking SOCI 3212, PSYC 3103, or STAT 3180.

    Major in Anthropology
    Specific requirements are 30 semester hours in Anthropology, of which at least 18 must be at the advanced (3300-3400) level. ANTH 3101, 3102 and 3480 are required. In addition, at least one course must be taken from each of three groups: cultural anthropology (3306, 3308, 3316, 3319, 3320, 3321, 3358, 3361), archaeology ( 3100, 3310, 3312, 3313, 3347, 3359, 3360) and general anthropology ( 3220, 3303, 3304, 3309, 3314, 3315, 3380, 3465) . Students are encouraged to gain fieldwork experience; ANTH 3347 and/or 3358 are strongly recommended. Two semesters of field courses may be counted toward the major, provided the research topics differ.

    Minor in Sociology
    18 semester hours of Sociology, of which 9 must be advanced level, including SOCI 3101, 3311, and 3401, are required.

    Minor in Anthropology
    18 semester hours in Anthropology, including at least 9 at the advanced level. ANTH 3101, 3102, and 3480 are required.

    Teacher Certification
    Students seeking secondary certification in Sociology must complete the BA requirements as described above. Certification requires 36 semester hours of courses in the major as described in the Liberal Arts section of this Catalog. Courses must include SOCI 3101, 3311, and 3401. Students using Sociology as a supporting field for another major will take SOCI 3101, 3311, 3401, and one upper-division course. For further information on certification requirements, see the Catalog sections for the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Education.
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    Revised: January 20, 1999