How to create Web Pages using

Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0


Web Pages are each day becoming a more popular way of communication. It is coming to a point in which having a web page your own, of your organization, or of your business is essential. These web pages can be very simple just to get the message across or very elaborate for entertainment, file transfers, documentation, surveys, and much more. In this page you will learn how to create a simple web page in which you can display text, pictures, and have links to other web pages. These

Beginner functions (For Advanced functions Click Here)

  1. Open Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0
  2. Click on File and select New Document
  3. There are three choices on how to start a page:
    1. Blank
    1. From Template
    1. From Wizard
  1. Click on one of the choices
  2. If you picked B. From Template or C. From Wizard follow the instructions given.

Now you have a web page. It is either blank, or with information that is not yours, or it is very simple. It is time to add or remove things to it.

Advanced Functions

Most commonly used functions are:

  1. Character properties -- Click on Properties then on Text. A window will then appear in which you have three tabs.
    1. Select the character tab.
    1. Select the paragraph tab.
  1. Set Background and colors
    1. Click on Properties and Document.
    2. Select the Appearance Tab.
    1. For your background you can just select a color or you can tile it with an image.
  1. Target -- These are used to jump from one place to another on the same page
    1. Place the cursor where the target is to be placed.
    2. Click on Insert and Target.
    3. Follow the instructions and the name of the target will be done.
    4. To call up a target you can do it
  2. Insert Images -- For this you must have an image file saved on the same directory as your web page.
    1. Place the cursor where the image is to be placed.
    2. Click on Insert and Image.
    3. Type the name of the file of your image.
    4. You can also change the properties of the image here.
  3. Links to Text -- This is what allows you to click on some text and go to another page or a target on the same page
    1. Click on Insert and Link.
    2. Type in the text to display for the link and the link location. The location could be another web page, a file, or a target.
  4. Links to images
    1. Insert the image to the web page.
    2. Highlight the image.
    3. Click on Insert and Link.
    4. Type in the link location as in links to text.
  5. Insert Horizontal lines
    1. Click on Insert and Horizontal Line.
    2. To change line properties:

You also have many shortcut buttons on the top of the editor. If you place the mouse pointer on each button it tells you what it is for. You can just highlight an area and hit one of the buttons and it will execute its function.

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