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  • Introduction
  • Degrees and Majors
  • Interdisciplinary Minors
  • Special Programs

    Departments :

  • Aerospace Studies
  • African American

  • Art
  • Chicano Studies
  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • English
  • History
  • Languages and
  • Latin American Studies
  • Military Science
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sociology and
  • Theater Arts
  • Western Cultural
  • Women's Studies

    Dr. Howard C. Daudistel, Dean

    Dr. Mimi R. Gladstein, Associate Dean

    Dr. Evelyn Posey, Associate Dean

    Liberal Arts Bldg., 343
    Phone: (915) 747-5666
    Fax: (915) 747-5905

  • Languages and Linguistics
    Web site at:http://www.utep.edu/lgsling/

  • 1.-General information
  • 2.- Translation and Interpretation
  • 3.- English for Speakers of Other
    Languages (ESOL) Courses
  • 4.- French (FREN) Courses
  • 5.- German ( GERM) Courses
  • 6.- Greek (GREK) Courses
  • 7.- Latin (LATN) Courses
  • 8.- Linguistics (LING) Courses
  • 9.- Portuguese (PORT) Courses
  • 10.- Russian (RUSS) Courses
  • 11.- Spanish (SPAN) Courses
  • 12.- Translation (TRAN) Courses
  • Latin (LATN) Courses

    4101 Latin One (3-2) (Common Course Number LATI 1411)

      Fundamentals of Latin grammar. Declension of nouns and adjectives and indicative verbal inflection. Vocabulary study. (No prerequisite.) Course fee required.
    4102 Latin Two (3-2) (Common Course Number LATI 1412)
      More complex aspects of Latin grammar including forms and uses of subjunctive. Vocabulary study. Reading of simple texts. Prerequisite: LATN 4101. Course fee required.
    3201 Latin Three (3-0) (Common Course Number LATI 2311)
      Continuing study of Latin grammar and vocabulary. Reading of significant prose texts. Prerequisite: LATN 4102. Course fee required.
    3202 Latin Four (3-0) (Common Course Number LATI 2312)
      Readings from the works of Catullus, Ovid, Horace, and Virgil. Prerequisite: LATN 3201. Course fee required.
    3301 Advanced Latin (3-0)
      Readings in Latin prose and poetry with alternate emphasis on fluency and close attention to text. May be repeated for credit when materials vary. Prerequisite: LATN 3202.

    The University of Texas at El Paso
    Developed by the UTEP Web Development Team
    Revised: January 20, 1999