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The 56th North American Power Symposium

Build the future of clean energy

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The 56th North American Power Symposium

Build the future of clean energy

NAPS 2024

The 56th North American Power Symposium will be held Sunday through Tuesday, October 13-15, 2024, on the campus of the University of Texas at El Paso.

NAPS has been an active symposium since its inception in 1969 as the Midwest Power Symposium and later renamed as North American Power Symposium in 1986. NAPS has been held annually at one of the universities in North America to provide an international open forum for participants from academia and industry. Student participation is the gem of this symposium leading to graduate and undergraduate student interactions with their peers in other universities as well as the exchange of knowledge with faculty and industry. Since students are at the core of any research, their development and interaction enhance opportunities for novel research ideas, which is encouraged in the symposium through the student paper competition awards.


Important Dates:

     • Paper submission system is open now! Please check the Call for Papers.
     • Paper submission deadline: 06/15/2024
       (Extended! New deadline: 07/15/2024, by the end of the day, Mountain Daylight-Saving Time)
     • Registration opens: 07/01/2024 (tentative)
     • Early-bird registration deadline: 09/01/2024 (tentative)
     • Deadline for Submitting Proposals to Host NAPS 2027: 10/01/2024
       (please see the Call for Proposals to Host NAPS 2027)


Student Housing Program:
Supporting student attendees is a tradition of NAPS. As part of the tradition, NAPS 2024 will have a student housing program that offers free housing for student attendees, subject to availability. Students should meet all of the following criteria to be considered for the housing program:

  • The student should have already registered for the conference and indicated that they need housing support when registering.
  • The student has at least one paper accepted by NAPS 2024 (please enter your paper submission ID when registering).
  • The student's advisor should email our student activity chair a recommendation letter indicating their support for the student to attend NAPS. The email of the student activity chair and the template for the recommendation letter will be released soon.





Diamond Sponsors

Electric Company

Gold Sponsors



Bronze Sponsors

UND Center for Cyber Security Research