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  • Introduction
  • Undergraduate Degree
    and Teaching

  • Certification for
    Candidates Who Have
    Completed a
    Bachelor's Degree

  • Admission to Teacher

  • Field-Based Teacher

  • Application for
    Graduation and/or
  • Elementary and
    Middle school

  • Secondary School

  • All-Levels

  • Endorsements


  • Educational
    Leadership and

  • Educational
    Psychology and
    Special Services

  • Teacher Education

    Dr. Arturo Pacheco, Dean
    Dr. Thomas A. Wood, Associate Dean
    Dr. Josefina Tinajero, Assistant Dean
    Education Bldg,
    Room 414
    Phone: (915) 747-5572
    Fax: (915) 747-5755

  • Secondary School Teacher Preparation Programs

    Students who wish to be certified in Texas to teach Secondary School (grades 1-12) Art or Music complete a bachelor's degree in the College of Liberal Arts and a minor in education. Students who wish to become Secondary School Physical Education Teachers complete a bachelor's degree in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and minor in education.

    Candidates for Secondary School teaching certification must have a degree and certification plan filed in their college, and a copy of the plan filed in the Student Services Office in the College of Education. For more detailed information see the advisors designated to prepare Secondary School degree plans in the departments of Art, Music, and Kinesiology.

    Methods Courses for the Secondary and Secondary School Education Minor

    The following methods courses are part of the secondary and Secondary School education minor and appear listed under the academic departments in which the students major:

    ENGL 3455 Teaching Composition and Literature in Secondary Schools
    LING 3401 Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
    FREN 3401 Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
    GERM 3401 Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
    SPAN 3401 Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
    HSCI 3401 Teaching Health in Secondary School
    ARTE 3447 Methods of Teaching Art
    MUSE 3336 Teaching of Music in Elementary Schools
    MUSE 3433 Teaching of Music in Junior and Senior High Schools
    KIN 3419 Methods and Materials in Elementary Schools
    KIN 3421 Methods and Materials in Secondary Schools

    The University of Texas at El Paso
    Developed by the UTEP Web Development Team
    Revised: January 20, 1999