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  • Introduction
  • Undergraduate Degree
    and Teaching

  • Certification for
    Candidates Who Have
    Completed a
    Bachelor's Degree

  • Admission to Teacher

  • Field-Based Teacher

  • Application for
    Graduation and/or
  • Elementary and
    Middle school

  • Secondary School

  • All-Levels

  • Endorsements


  • Educational
    Leadership and

  • Educational
    Psychology and
    Special Services

  • Teacher Education

    Dr. Arturo Pacheco, Dean
    Dr. Thomas A. Wood, Associate Dean
    Dr. Josefina Tinajero, Assistant Dean
    Education Bldg,
    Room 414
    Phone: (915) 747-5572
    Fax: (915) 747-5755

  • Undergraduate Degree and Teaching Certificates

    Elementary Education

    The College offers a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) degree, which may be taken by students who wish to teach at the elementary or Middle schoollevel and who may wish to qualify for Texas Teacher certification at those levels. Students working on the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree must have their degree plan filed in the College of Education. These students are advised by College of Education faculty and request degree and certification course substitutions through that faculty.

    Secondary Education and All Levels Education

    Students interested in becoming secondary Teachers or Secondary School Art, Music, and Physical Education Teachers complete a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Music, a Bachelor of Science, or a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Sports Studies with a minor in secondary or Secondary School teaching, depending on the teaching area of their interest. Program of studies information appears in the appropriate section of this Catalog under the Colleges of Business Administration, Liberal Arts, Nursing and Health Sciences, and Science. Information on the secondary or Secondary School teaching minors is available in the Education Student Services Office, Education 412.

    Students working on a degree outside the College of Education and wishing to become certified in Texas as secondary or Secondary School Teachers have their degree and certification plan filed under the appropriate college in which they are pursuing their major. These students also must have a copy of their degree and certification plan filed in the College of Education Student Services Office, Education 412. They are advised by the faculty of the college of their major and request course substitutions through the office of their college dean. Substitutions pertinent to the secondary or Secondary School teaching certification minor are under the purview of the Dean of Education, who acts as the local Certification Officer for the Texas Education Agency.

    Transfer Students Seeking Degrees in Education

    Undergraduate transfer students seeking a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) must submit original copies of their transcripts to the Office of Admission and Evaluation (Academic Services Building) for evaluation, as well as an application for admission, prior to consulting with an advisor in the College of Education. No official academic advising is done for transfer students until a written evaluation of previous academic work is prepared by the Office of Admission and Evaluation.

    The University of Texas at El Paso
    Developed by the UTEP Web Development Team
    Revised: January 20, 1999