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  • Introduction
  • Degrees and Majors
  • Interdisciplinary Minors
  • Special Programs

    Departments :

  • Aerospace Studies
  • African American

  • Art
  • Chicano Studies
  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • English
  • History
  • Languages and
  • Latin American Studies
  • Military Science
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sociology and
  • Theater Arts
  • Western Cultural
  • Women's Studies

    Dr. Howard C. Daudistel, Dean

    Dr. Mimi R. Gladstein, Associate Dean

    Dr. Evelyn Posey, Associate Dean

    Liberal Arts Bldg., 343
    Phone: (915) 747-5666
    Fax: (915) 747-5905

  • Sociology and Anthropology
    Web site at:http://www.utep.edu/soci/

    1.- General Information
    2.- Sociology (SOCI) Courses
    3.- Anthropology (ANTH) Courses

    Sociology (SOCI) Courses

    Unless otherwise noted, SOCI 3101 is a prerequisite for all other courses in Sociology. Exceptions to this must secure permission from the Department Chairperson or Undergraduate Advisor or instructor.

    3101 Introduction to Sociology (3-0) (Common Course Number SOCI 1301)

      Nature and scope of sociology, its terminology and concepts; study of social processes, social institutions, development of society, and characteristics of group life.
    3102 Social Problems (3-0) (Common Course Number SOCI 1306)
      A study of selected social problems in our society, including causes, interrelationships, and programs of amelioration. Prerequisite: 3101 is recommended.
    3212 Measurement and Inference in Social Research (3-0)
      Sociological factors and their measurement, development and use of scales, assumptions underlying the use of statistical models in analysis of social data, application and limitations of statistical analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or MATH 4109.
    3215 The Sociology of Marriage and the Family (3-0) (Common Course Number SOCI 2301)
      The historical development, current problems, and prospects of the American marriage and family institutions. Recommended Background: SOCI 3101 is recommended.
    3258 Chicanos in the Southwest (3-0)
      Introductory course to major themes in Mexican American studies; cultural pluralism, bilingualism, biculturalism, ethnicity and race, assimilation, cultural nationalism, and folk culture.
    3259 Chicanos and American Society (3-0)
      Analysis of Chicano experiences in selected institutions such as schools, churches, governmental structures, military, and mass media.
    3306 Cultural Diversity (3-0)
      A cross-cultural comparison of human behavior addressing the areas of family life, marriage, kinship, and ritual. The course will also deal with the potential for misunderstandings that arise in the context of cross-cultural interactions. Prerequisite: 3101 or ANTH 3101. (SOCI 3306 is the same course as ANTH 3306.)
    3311 Methods of Research (3-0)
      Basic procedure and methodology of sociology as applied by the profession to various areas of social investigation. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3327 Majority/Minority Relations in the United States (3-0)
      A study of the racial and ethnic group relationships in the U.S. concentrating on the dynamics and consequences of prejudice, discrimination, and related factors. Prerequisite: SOCI 3101.
    3333 Juvenile Delinquency (3-0)
      An investigation of the social and legal definitions of juvenile delinquency; major theories of juvenile deviancy; the social system of the gangs; factors contributing to apprehension, conviction, detention, and parole; assessment of present and potential prevention programs. Prerequisite: 3101 .

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    3341 Special Undergraduate Topics (3-0)

      Special topics of current interest in Sociology. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Topics may include, for example:
      • La Chicana
        The role of the Chicana in the family and the community as well as Chicanos' participation in the labor force and liberation movements.
      • Women in Society
        Women in social institutions such as the family, education, economy, and politics in American society as well as their images in popular culture.
      Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3342 Sociology of Deviance (3-0)
      A study of deviations from social norms which encounter disapproval and to which theory and concepts derived from sociology and social psychology may be applied. Includes a study of deviators and societal reactions to them. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3348 Criminology (3-0)
      Theories, causes, characteristics, and social function of crime in our society. Methods of prevention and reduction of crime will be analyzed. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3361 Contemporary Mexican Culture (3-0)
      A course about social and regional diversity of modern Mexico with special emphasis on indigenous cultures. Prerequisite: 3101 or ANTH 3101. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102. (SOCI 3361 is the same course as ANTH 3361.)
    3362 Medical Sociology (3-0)
      Cultural factors in medical beliefs and practices; professionalization of medical practitioners; group factors in medical practice and medical care programs. Prerequisite: 3101

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    3370 Sociology of Sex Roles (3-0)

      Sociological evaluation of the emergence of sex roles and relationship between such roles and social status, class, and power. Problems of Women's Liberation, changing roles, and the variable effects of socialization for role taking and role making will be discussed. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3381 Complex Organizations (3-0)
      Examines structures, processes, interactions, and human problems of modern organizations. Classical and contemporary sociological theories of organizations are compared. Issues regarding organizational authority; change, conflict, control, cooperation, division of labor, efficiency, goals, and relationships with consumer-clients are studied. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3401 General Sociological Theory (3-0)
      Study of the major concepts of general sociology as these have been developed by contemporary sociologists and by the founding fathers of the field. Prerequisites: 3101 and nine hours of advanced sociology.
    3447 Population Analysis and Problems (3-0)
      Statistical analysis of the population of the world, the United States, and the Southwest. Study of fertility, mortality, and migration patterns and their social consequences. Prerequisite: 3101 .
    3490 Independent Study (0-0-3)
      Independent study in an area which is too specialized to offer as an organized class. Supervised individual reading and research leading to development of a major paper or report. Prerequisites: 3101 , 12 hours of advanced sociology, and consent of Department Chairperson, advisor, or instructor.

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