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    Departments :

  • Aerospace Studies
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  • Art
  • Chicano Studies
  • Communication
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  • Latin American Studies
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  • Theater Arts
  • Western Cultural
  • Women's Studies

    Dr. Howard C. Daudistel, Dean

    Dr. Mimi R. Gladstein, Associate Dean

    Dr. Evelyn Posey, Associate Dean

    Liberal Arts Bldg., 343
    Phone: (915) 747-5666
    Fax: (915) 747-5905

  • Sociology and Anthropology
    Web site at:http://www.utep.edu/soci/

    1.- General Information
    2.- Sociology (SOCI) Courses
    3.- Anthropology (ANTH) Courses

    Anthropology (ANTH) Courses

    1101 Laboratory for ANTH 3101 (0-2)

      Introduction to the nature and interpretation of archeological artifacts and hominoid remains. Emphasis is on processes of making inferences from physical remains. Prerequisite: ANTH 3101 may be taken concurrently with ANTH 1101.
    3100 Popular Archeology: Exploring Myths and Mysteries (3-0)
      Introduction to the field of archeology and what it means to the public. Emphasis is on developing students' abilities to identify and evaluate scientific and pseudoscientific treatments of the archeological record. Includes discussion of ancient astronauts, lost continents, the Moundbuilders, scientific creationism, and psychic archeology.
    3101 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archeology (3-0)
      Introduction to the evolution of the human adaptive system with particular attention to the somatic and technological components. The biological development of man, from 3.5-million-year-old Lucy to modern Homo sapiens, is discussed and correlated with developments in stone and bronze tools, dwelling types, social groupings, political organization, etc. This course is not prerequisite to 3102.
    3102 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3-0)
      Introduction to the evolution of human behavioral systems with particular attention to the social and cultural, or ideational components. The variety of types of societies and ideologies is discussed together with the ecological situations to which they are adapted.
    3110 Cultural Geography (3-0)
      Introduction to cultural elements, their spatial distribution, and their interrelationship to the physical environment. (ANTH 3110 is the same course as GEOG 3110.)
    3220 Introduction to Linguistics (3-0)
      Introduction to basic concepts and techniques of modern linguistics. (SOCI 3220 is the same course as LING 3220.)

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    3258 Chicanos in the Southwest (3-0)

      Introductory course to major themes in Mexican American studies; cultural pluralism, bilingualism, biculturalism, ethnicity and race, assimilation, cultural nationalism, and folk culture.
    3259 Chicanos and American Society (3-0)
      Analysis of Chicano experiences in selected institutions such as schools, churches, governmental structures, military, and mass media.
    3303 Ecological Anthropology (3-0)
      The study of human societies as part of ecological systems. The use of ecological principles and models in anthropological description and explanation is discussed. Folk models of ecology are also considered. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101 and ANTH 3102.
    3304 Biological Anthropology (3-0)
      The course focuses on human evolution and the biological basis for human behavior. Topics include human phylogeny, physical and behavioral adaptation, genetics, and human diversity. Prerequisite: ANTH 3101.
    3306 Cultural Diversity (3-0)
      A cross-cultural comparison of human behavior addressing the areas of family life, marriage, kinship, and ritual. The course will also deal with the potential for misunderstandings that arise in the context of cross-cultural interactions. Prerequisite: SOCI 3101 or ANTH 3101.
    3308 Anthropology of Law and Political Systems (3-0)
      A comparative ethnographic study of legal and political systems with an introduction to the anthropological theories developed in these areas. The focus is on informal means of social control and the origins of political systems in tribal societies and chiefdoms, rather than nation-states. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102.

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    3309 Mesoamerican Cultures (3-0)

      A survey of the prehistoric, protohistoric, and historic development of social systems in Mesoamerica from the preceramic cultures through the Olmec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec. Attention will be directed to the interaction among environmental, demographic, cultural and historical factors, drawing upon evidence from prehistory, history, and ethnohistory. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101 or ANTH 3101.
    3310 Southwestern Archeology (3-0)
      The development and characteristics of prehistoric Indian societies, from the Elephant Hunters to the Pueblos, is considered with particular attention to the Mogollon, Hohokam, Anasazi, and Casas Grandes areas. Ties of the area to nuclear Mesoamerica will be discussed. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101.
    3312 New World Archeology (3-0)
      Traces the course of human cultural development in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean from the first arrival of Ice Age hunters, through the invention of agriculture, to the development of complex civilizations. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101.
    3313 Historic Archeology of the El Paso - Ciudad Juarez Area (3-0)
      The course provides an overview of the historic development of the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez region from the earliest mission and presidio settlements to the modern bi-national metropolis. Evidence from archeological materials and archival documents will be considered. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101.

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    3314 Economic Anthropology (3-0)

      A study of economic problems of production, distribution, and consumption in non-Western societies, and an introduction to the concepts and perspectives brought to such studies by anthropologists. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102.
    3315 Urban Anthropology (3-0)
      A consideration of the nature of cities, both non-Western and Western, Pre-industrial and industrial. The impact of urbanization upon a region and upon individuals will be discussed. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101 and ANTH 3102.
    3316 Ciudad Juarez as a Sociocultural System (3-0)
      A consideration of the social, political, and ideological institutions of Ciudad Juarez and the dynamics of their interaction. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102.
    3319 Indigenous Cultures of Latin America (3-0)
      A survey of the Native American cultures of Latin America, focusing on patterns of similarity among groups, and the distribution of different adaptations relative to environmental diversity. Prerequisite: SOCI 3101 or ANTH 3101 . Recommended Background: ANTH 3102.
    3320 Indigenous Cultures of North America (3-0)
      Survey of Native American cultures of the United Sates and Canada, with an emphasis on their development in various environmental settings, and the regulatory/legal contexts within which they now exist. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102

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    3321 Indians of the Southwest (3-0)

      Ethnographic and ethnohistorical perspectives on the socio-politics, economics, belief systems, and technologies of contemporary Native American groups such as the Apache, Hopi, Hualapai, Navajo, Pima, Tarahumara, and Tohono O'odham. May include guest lectures by tribal representatives. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102
    3323 American Indian History (3-0)
      A survey of the history of North American Indians from the Pre-Columbian period to the present. Examines inter-tribal relations as well as Indian-European and Indian-Anglo American interactions. Emphasis on trans-Mississippi West tribes and events. (ANTH 3323 is the same course as HIST 3323.)
    3341 Plants in Southwest Cultures (3-0)
      Study of food, fiber, medicinal, and dye plants utilized by Southwest cultures with an emphasis on ethnobotany. Student may be required to take one weekend field trip. Prerequisite: BOT 4210. (ANTH 3341 is the same course as BIOL 3341.)
    3347 Archeological Field Studies (0-0-3)
      Intensive field course on the recovery and analysis of archeological data. Includes archeological survey and/or excavation and preliminary laboratory analysis. Variable credit. May be repeated when study area or research topic differs. Transportation and/or lodging fees vary according to project location. Prerequisite: ANTH 3359 or instructor approval.
    3357 Sociolinguistics (3-0)
      Language variables and sociological correlates, a review of current research, theories, and applications Recommended Background: LING 3220.

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    3358 Ethnographic Methods (3-0)

      Theory and practice in the elicitation of ethnographic data. Participant observation, interviewing, and the development of questionnaires will be conducted in the laboratory and field settings. Prerequisite: ANTH 3102 or instructor approval.
    3359 Archeological Methods (3-0)
      Introduction to the analytical methods used to interpret archeological sites. Topics addressed include sampling, statistical analysis, formulation of hypotheses, and survey and excavation techniques. Prerequisite: ANTH 3101 or instructor approval.
    3360 Laboratory Methods in Archeology (0-3)
      Methods for, and practical experience in, the analysis and interpretation of archeological materials, including ceramics, stone tools, floral and faunal remains, archeological dating, and spatial data. Course will be taught as one 3-hour lecture lab, but individual or group lab projects involving additional time outside class will be required. Prerequisite: Open only to majors in anthropology or instructor approval.
    3361 Contemporary Mexican Culture (3-0)
      A course about social and regional diversity of modern Mexico with special emphasis on indigenous cultures. Recommended Background: ANTH 3102 .
    3372 Folklore (3-0)
      The types and characteristics of folk literature with particular emphasis on the folklore of the Southwest and Mexico. (ANTH 3372 is the same course as ENGL 3372.)

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    3374 Folklore of the Mexican-American (3-0)

      A study of folklore theory and Mexican-American folk genres, with background readings on Mexico and with a special emphasis on the folklore of the border. (ANTH 3374 is the same course as ENGL 3374.)
    3379 Independent Study (0-0-3)
      Individual investigation of an area of anthropology that is not adequately covered by an organized class. Periodic meetings, reports, and a major paper are required. Prerequisites: Department approval and instructor approval.
    3380 Environmental Policy and Applied Anthropology (3-0)
      Provides an introduction to environmental laws and policies that affect the practice of archeology, history, and ethnography in the context of development projects and land management. Among the topics discussed are environmental impact assessment, social impact assessment, historic preservation planning, and traditional cultural properties.
    4347 Archeological Field Studies (0-0-4)
      Intensive field course on the recovery and analysis of archeological data. Includes archeological survey and/or excavation and preliminary laboratory analysis. Variable credit. May be repeated when study area or research topic differs. Transportation and/or lodging fees vary according to project location. Prerequisite: ANTH 3359 or instructor approval.
    5347 Archeological Field Studies (0-0-5)
      Intensive field course on the recovery and analysis of archeological data. Includes archeological survey and/or excavation and preliminary laboratory analysis. Variable credit. May be repeated when study area or research topic differs. Transportation and/or lodging fees vary according to project location. Prerequisite: ANTH 3359 or instructor approval.

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    6347 Archeological Field Studies (0-0-6)

      Intensive field course on the recovery and analysis of archeological data. Includes archeological survey and/or excavation and preliminary laboratory analysis. Variable credit. May be repeated when study area or research topic differs. Transportation and/or lodging fees vary according to project location. Prerequisite: ANTH 3359 or instructor approval.
    3407 Geography of Arid Lands (3-0)
      A study of the physical complexes of the world's dry regions. Salient factors emphasized include climate, landforms, water, soils, natural vegetation, and various aspects of human occupance. Prerequisite: GEOG 3106 or GEOG 3110 or GEOL 3103 or instructor approval. GEOG 3306 recommended.
    3426 Bioarcheology (2-3)
      Recovery, processing, and interpretation of biological material associated with prehistoric and historic man in the New World. Laboratory fee required. (ANTH 3425 is the same course as BIOL 3426.)
    3465 Museum Fundamentals (2-8)
      An introduction to practical aspects of museum work, including organization and display of exhibits, care of collections, communication with visitors, and other museum tasks. Lectures will be combined with opportunities for solving concrete problems.
    3470 Studies in Anthropology (3-0)
      Subject matter will be announced each semester. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Among the material that may be covered are the following: foraging bands; tribes; chiefdoms; states; peasant and plantation communities; forensic anthropology; primate behavior; lithic technology.
    3480 Theory in Anthropology (3-0)
      A discussion of the goals of anthropology with a critical review of current theory and methodology. Recommended Background: ANTH 3101 and ANTH 3102.

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