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  • Mathematical Sciences
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    Dr. Thomas E. Brady, Dean
    Dr. Pablo Arenaz, Associate Dean
    Dr. E. Alan Dean, Assistant Dean

    Bell Hall, Room 100
    Phone: (915) 747-5536
    Fax: (915) 747-6807

  • Mathematical Sciences
    Web site at:http://www.math.utep.edu/

    1.- Department Information
    2.- Baccalaureate Degrees
    3.- Mathematics (MATH) Courses
    4.- Statistics (STAT) Courses

    3.- Mathematics (MATH) Courses

    Non-Credit Courses

    3010 Introductory Algebra (2-2)

      The course begins with a review of signed numbers, rational numbers, and exponents. Major topics include variables, linear equations and inequalities, word problems, and operations with polynomials. This course is designed as an introduction to MATH 3011. Credit hours received for MATH 3010 may count toward removal of provisional status, but may not be used to satisfy any institutional degree requirements. Prerequisite: Placement by examination.
    3011 Intermediate Algebra (3-0)
      The course begins with a review of polynomials. Major topics include rational expressions and equations, radical expressions, rational exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, graphing lines, and geometry. The course is designed as an introduction to MATH 4109 or 3120. Credit hours received for MATH 3011 may count toward removal of provisional status, but may not be used to satisfy any institutional degree requirements. Prerequisite: MATH 3010 or placement by examination.
    Lower-Division Courses

    3112 Calculus II (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2314)

      Continuation of MATH 4111. Topics include special methods of integration and applications; infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 4111.
    3120 Mathematics for Social Sciences I (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 1324)
      Topics of college algebra and geometry including the algebra of sets; linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of linear equations and inequalities; matrix algebra; probability and the mathematics of finance.

      Prerequisites: Three years of high school mathematics and an adequate score on a placement examination; or MATH 3011.

    4109 Precalculus I (4-0) (Common Course Number MATH 1314)
      Topics include the algebra of real functions, graphs of functions, analytic geometry of first and second degree curves, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and polynomial equations, sequences, series, and mathematical induction. Prerequisite: MATH 3011 or an acceptable score on a placement examination.
    4110 Precalculus II (4-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2412)
      Topics include trigonometry, vectors in two dimensions, rotations of coordinate axes, trigonometric form for complex numbers, polar coordinates, systems of equations, matrices, and analytic geometry of three dimensional space. Prerequisite: MATH 4109 or an acceptable score on a placement examination.
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    4111 Calculus I (4-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2413)

      Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration of functions of a single variable. Prerequisites: Four years of high school mathematics including trigonometry and analytic geometry and an adequate score on a placement examination or MATH 4110.
    3200 Discrete Mathematics (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2305)
      Topics in discrete mathematics including induction, recursion and recurrence relations, sets and relations, combinatorics, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MATH 4111.
    3201 Mathematics for Social Sciences II (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 1325)
      Topics include linear programming and an introduction to differential and integral calculus with applications to business and the social sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or MATH 4109.
    3203 Properties of the Real Numbers I (3-0)
      A study of the arithmetic structure of the real numbers from an advanced point of view. Relations with concepts from set theory, groups, rings, and fields will be included. Prerequisite: MATH 4109 or MATH 3120 or an acceptable score on a placement examination.
    3213 Calculus III (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2315)
      Continuation of MATH 3112. Topics include solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    3220 Mathematics of Interest (3-0)
      Mathematical foundations - a calculus based development of the theory of interest with applications including annuities, bonds, depreciation, sinking funds, amortization schedules, insurance and yield rates. Prerequisite: MATH 3201 or MATH 3112.
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    3226 Differential Equations (3-0) (Common Course Number MATH 2320)

      An analytical, graphical, and numerical study of first order equations and system of equations, modeling, bifurcations, linearization, and Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    Upper-Division Courses--All required lower-division courses in the major must be completed with a grade of "C" or better in order to enroll in upper-division courses in the major. Some upper-division courses may be applied toward graduate degrees; consult the Graduate Studies Catalog for the listing of these courses.

    3300 History of Mathematics to 1650 (3-0)

      One of two periods will be addressed:
        (1) Pre-17th century history: Mathematical contributions for various cultures and eras from Babylonia to 16th century Europe are reviewed with special focus on Greek mathematics.

        (2) Early modern history: A historical account of the genesis of trigonometry, logarithms, analytic geometry, calculus, and the study of functions, with an emphasis on the period of the European scientific revolution (1600-1750). Original works by noted mathematicians will be examined in order to understand the evolution of our current mathematics curriculum. May be repeated for credit when the periods differ. Prerequisite: MATH 4111 or instructor approval.

    3303 Properties of the Real Numbers II (3-0)
      Additional topics in the structure of the real numbers. Basic number theory including divisibility and congruences. Topics in finite mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 4110.
    3304 Fundamentals of Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint (3-0)
      An axiomatic treatment of Euclidean geometry including some historical perspectives. Informal treatment of other geometries such as distance and hyperbolic geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 4110.
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    3319 Elementary Number Theory (3-0)

      An introduction to some of the classical topics in number theory including divisibility, congruences, and quadratic reciprocity. Diophantine equations and the distribution of primes. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    3320 Actuarial Mathematics (3-0)
      Individual and collective risk models. Survival distributions and life contingency tables. Models for life insurance and multiple life functions. Prerequisite: STAT 3330.
    3323 Matrix Algebra (3-0)
      Systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, vector spaces, and linear transformations. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    3325 Principles of Mathematics (3-0)
      Logic and proofs, elements of set theory, relations and functions: application of these ideas. Cardinality, groups and their quotients, and the field of real numbers. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    3327 Applied Algebra (3-0)
      Study of problems from one of the following subjects: Automata Theory; Formal Languages; Information Theory; Theory of Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence. This course deals with the theoretical components of computer science and is also of interest to students of structural/ theoretical features in such disciplines as biology, linguistics, social science, and in learning theory. May be repeated for credit if subjects differ. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
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    3328 Foundations of Mathematics (3-0)

      Study of principles of mathematical thinking and of common objects of mathematical thought. Emphasis on one of these aspects: Logic; Set Theory; Geometry; Topology. May be repeated for credit if subjects differ. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    3335 Applied Analysis I (3-0)
      Line and surface integrals, change of variable in multiple integrals, vector analysis, and an introduction to complex variables. Prerequisite: MATH 3213.
    3341 Introduction to Analysis (3-0)
      A theoretical study of the foundations of the calculus of functions of one variable. Includes the real number system, convergence, continuity, differentiability, and elementary integration theory. Prerequisite: MATH 3112.
    1499 Individual Studies in Mathematics (0-0-1)
      Studies of topics not included in or going beyond the regular course offerings. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Department approval.
    3425 Modern Algebra (3-0)
      Groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 3325.
    3426 Linear Algebra (3-0)
      Vector spaces, linear transformations and matrix representations, canonical forms, eigenvalues, invariant subspaces, orthogonal and unitary transformations, and bilinear and quadratic forms. Prerequisite: MATH 3325.
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    3429 Numerical Analysis (3-0)

      The course covers numerical algorithms for approximation of functions, quadrature, solution of ordinary differential equations, solution of nonlinear equations, solution of linear systems of equations, computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Many computer applications will be required. Prerequisites: MATH 3323 and a working knowledge of a high level programming language.
    3436 Applied Analysis II (3-0)
      Series solutions of differential equations. Fourier series and Fourier integrals. Bessel's equation and Bessel functions. Legendre's equation and Legendre polynomials, the Sturm-Liouville problem and eigenfunction expansions, and an introduction to partial differential equations. Prerequisite: MATH 3226.
    3441 Real Analysis (3-0)
      Convergence of series of constant terms; convergence of sequences and series of functions; and analysis of functions of several variables to include the differential approximation theorem, the inverse function theorem, and the implicit function theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 3341.
    3470 Topics Seminar (3-0)
      Organized lectures in mathematics on topics not represented among the other course offerings. Prerequisite: Junior standing; addition prerequisites may be announced as required by the topics. May be repeated for credit.
    3499 Individual Studies in Mathematics (0-0-3)
      Studies of topics not included in or going beyond the regular course offerings. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Department approval.
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