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  • College Information
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Geological Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Physics

    Dr. Thomas E. Brady, Dean
    Dr. Pablo Arenaz, Associate Dean
    Dr. E. Alan Dean, Assistant Dean

    Bell Hall, Room 100
    Phone: (915) 747-5536
    Fax: (915) 747-6807

  • Mathematical Sciences
    Web site at:http://www.math.utep.edu/

    1.- Department Information
    2.- Baccalaureate Degrees
    3.- Mathematics (MATH) Courses
    4.- Statistics (STAT) Courses

    2.- Baccalaureate Degrees

    The department of Mathematical Sciences offers both the BA and BS degrees in Mathematics and the BS in Applied Mathematics. The BA in Mathematics allows for a concentration in Teacher Certification. The BS in Mathematics allows for concentrations in Actuarial Sciences and Teacher Certification.

    Registration for each course in Mathematical Sciences (with a MATH or STAT prefix) requires a minimum grade of "C" in all prerequisite courses.



    BS in Mathematics

    The requirement to obtain the BS in Mathematics consists of the general College of Science requirements plus the following specific requirements:

    Major (37 semester hours including 24 semester hours of upper-division course work): MATH 4111, 3112, 3213, 3226, 3325, 3341, 3426, 3441, STAT 3330, and nine additional semester hours of upper-division courses in Mathematical Science.

    Minor: A minimum of 18 semester hours including six semester hours of upper-division courses in any approved minor in the College of Business Administration, College of Science, or the Department of Computer Science. The minor discipline and specific courses must be approved by the departmental undergraduate advisor. Secondary certification requires a minor in secondary education in addition to one of the above minors. Students seeking secondary certification may also obtain the BA in mathematics, where the only minor required is the College of Liberal Arts Secondary Education minor. See the College of Liberal Arts for the general education requirements of that college.

    Other: PHYS 1120-1121 and 4210-4211 are required. If physics is the minor, the additional science requirement may be satisfied by BIOL 3105-1107, 3106-1108; or CHEM 3105-1105, 3106-1106; or GEOL 3101-1101 (or 3103), 3102-1102 (or 3104). In addition, if the minor is in business or computer science, a minimum of three semester hours selected from the natural science, fine arts, humanities, cultural diversity, or economics components of the core curriculum must be completed to satisfy the additional course work component of the core curriculum.

    Additional Science: The required physics sequence above may be used to satisfy this requirement or toward a Physics minor, but not both. Similarly, the College requirement of Computer Science may be used to satisfy this requirement or may be used toward a Computer Science minor, but not both.


    Actuarial Sciences Concentration--This concentration requires the following changes:

    Allowed Substitutions: MATH 3323 for MATH 3426; six semester hours in the College of Science (not in the major or minor) for the required physics sequence.

    Required Replacements: MATH 3220 for MATH 3441; MATH 3320, 3429, and STAT 3480 for the required nine semester hours of upper-division courses in Mathematical Sciences.

    Additional Requirements: CS 4120; and as electives, MATH 1499 (two times), CS 4101 or CIS 3235, ECON 3203 and 3204, COMM 3102; and two courses from ACCT 3201 or 3309, FIN 3310, 3416, BLAW 3301, MKT 3300, MGMT 3303 or POM 3321, ECON 3302, 3303, and 3372.

    Secondary Education Concentration--This concentration requires a second minor in Secondary Education. In addition:

    Allowed Substitutions: MATH 3323 for MATH 3426; one of the courses MATH 3319, 3327, 3328 (not geometry), 3425, or 3429 for MATH 3441.

    Required Replacements: MATH 3300, 3328 (geometry), and STAT 3480 for the required nine semester hours of upper-division courses in Mathematical Sciences.

    Additional Requirements: The first minor must be selected from biology, chemistry, computer science, geology, or physics. A minor in physics is strongly recommended, in which case the required physics sequence (College of Science additional science requirement) must be replaced by one of the following: BIOL 3105-1107 and either BOT 4210 or ZOOL 4206; CHEM 3105-1105 and 3106-1106; or GEOL 3101-1101 and 3102-1102.

    Statistics Concentration--This concentration requires the following changes:

    Allowed Substitutions: MATH 3323 for MATH 3426; Computer Science courses may be used to fulfill the nine hours of upper-division Mathematical Sciences requirement.

    Required Replacements: MATH 3429, STAT 3381, and STAT 3480 for MATH 3226, MATH 3325, and MATH 3441.


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    BS in Applied Mathematics

    The requirement to obtain the BS in Applied Mathematics consists of the general College of Science requirements plus the following specific requirements:

    Major (40 semester hours including 24 semester hours of upper-division course work): MATH 4111, 3112, 3200, 3213, 3226, 3323 or 3426, 3335, 3429, STAT 3330 and 3480, and nine additional semester hours of upper-division courses in Mathematical Sciences.

    Minors: Two minors, each of 18-semester hours including six semester hours of upper-division courses are required. One must be Computer Science with emphasis on computation and one must be in an application area. Minor and courses must be approved by the departmental undergraduate advisor.

    Other: PHYS 1120-1121 and 4210-4211 are required. If physics is one of the minors, the additional science requirement may be satisfied by BIOL 3105-1107, 3106-1108; or CHEM 3105-1105, 3106-1106; or GEOL 3101-1101 (or 3103), 3102-1102 (3104).


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    BA in Mathematical Sciences

    See the College of Liberal Arts section of this catalog for the general requirements for the BA degree. The specific courses required for this major are (31 semester hours including 21 semester hours of upper-division course work): MATH 4111, 3112, 3213, 3323 or 3426, 3325, 3341, and nine additional semester hours of upper-division courses in Mathematical Science. A BA with secondary Teaching Certification is also available through the College of Liberal Arts. A minor in this College requires nine semester hours of upper-division course work.


    Minor in Mathematics: A minor in mathematics requires MATH 4111, 3112, and an additional minimum of four courses, at least two (three for the BA) must be upper-division courses. Approved courses include: MATH 3200, 3213, 3320, 3226, 3319, 3320, 3323 or 3426, 3325, 3327, 3328, 3335, 3341, 3425, 3429, 3436, 3441, STAT 3330, 3381, and 3480.


    Advising: All undergraduate mathematics majors are required to consult with and have their enrollment forms signed by their undergraduate advisor before every enrollment.


    Placement: Students who intend to register in MATH 4109, 3120, 4110, or 4111 must present an official document at registration showing that they have either an adequate placement examination score or received a grade of "C" or better in the prerequisite course.


    GPA: Mathematics majors must maintain a 2.0 GPA in all MATH and STAT courses (see the Standards of Academic Performance section of this catalog).


    Prerequisites: All Mathematics (MATH) Courses or Statistics (STAT) Courses courses that have MATH or STAT prerequisites require a grade of "C" or better in the prerequisite course.


    The University of Texas at El Paso
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    Revised: January 20, 1999