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  • College Information
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Geological Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Physics

    Dr. Thomas E. Brady, Dean
    Dr. Pablo Arenaz, Associate Dean
    Dr. E. Alan Dean, Assistant Dean

    Bell Hall, Room 100
    Phone: (915) 747-5536
    Fax: (915) 747-6807

  • Mathematical Sciences
    Web site at:http://www.math.utep.edu/

    1.- Department Information
    2.- Baccalaureate Degrees
    3.- Mathematics (MATH) Courses
    4.- Statistics (STAT) Courses

    4.- Statistics (STAT) Courses

    Minor in Statistics: Students may minor in Statistics by taking 18 hours (six advanced) as follows: CS 4120 or equivalent, MATH 3201 or 4111, plus 12 hours from STAT 3280, 3281, 3330, 3381, 3480, and MATH 3320. Students who plan to pursue graduate studies in statistics-related areas are urged to take STAT 3480.

    Lower-Division Courses

    3180 Basics of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics (3-0)

      A course in statistical literacy. Emphasis will be on standard descriptive measures of location, spread, and association. Regression, probability and sampling, and binomial distribution. Interpretation of data which occur in daily life (polls, weather forecasting, surveys, quality control, etc.) will be stressed. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or MATH 4109 or equivalent.
    1282 Computing Laboratory for Statistics 3280 (0-2)
      Practical exercises in the handling of statistical data and experimental sampling as related to the course work in STAT 3280. Includes an introduction to data processing. Co-requisite: STAT 3280.
    3280 Statistical Methods I (3-0)
      An elementary introduction to statistical concepts and methods. Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, binomial distribution, normal distribution, estimation and hypothesis testing for one- and two-sample problems, simple linear regression, and correlation. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or MATH 4109 or equivalent. Co-requisite: STAT 1282.
    3281 Statistical Methods II (3-0)
      A continuation of Statistics 3280 with treatment of more advanced statistical methods. Chi-square goodness-of-fit and contingency table analysis, analysis of variance and multiple comparisons, multiple linear regression and correlation and analysis. Prerequisites: STAT 3280-1282.
    Upper-Division Courses--All required lower-division courses in the major must be completed with a grade of "C" or better in order to enroll in upper-division courses in the major. Some upper-division courses may be applied toward graduate degrees; consult the Graduate Studies Catalog for the listing of these courses.

    3330 Probability (3-0)

      Theory and applications of probability models. Sample space, combinatorics, conditional probability, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, expectation, moment generating functions, law of large numbers, and central limit theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 3213.
    3381 Nonparametric Statistical Methods (3-0)
      Distribution-free procedures; Nonparametric one- and two-sample tests for location and scale; nonparametric analysis of variance; nonparametric correlation. Prerequisite: STAT 3280 or STAT 3480.
    3480 Statistics I (3-0)
      A calculus-based development of statistical concepts and methods. Distribution theory, point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing in parametric statistical models, chi-square goodness-of-fit and contingency table analysis, simple linear regression analysis, and introduction to analysis of variance. Prerequisite: STAT 3330.
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    Revised: January 20, 1999